- Disorderly intoxication
- Drug overdose
- Intoxicated person
- Mental health crisis
- Suicide crisis
- Mental Health Transport
- Disorderly juvenile/truancy
- Disorderly Juvenile at Elementary Schools
- Panhandling
- Homeless complaints
- Neighborhood dispute
The Police Department reported a total of 259,800 total calls in 2019. Out of these, 12,700 would meet the criteria on the above issues. It is hoped that this will provide the community with a more appropriate response to situations that do not require a uniformed officer and to assist uniformed officers in becoming involved in calls that are better suited to their training and experience. The Police Department has developed this innovative program as a response to recent social upheaval which has been often centered on the need for police reform.
For more information, please go here: police.stpete.org/2020/july/09/significantChangeInPoliceResponse.html