- www.chronicle.com -
Fewer than a third of college students surveyed between 2002 and 2012 said they had sex with more than one person in the preceding year according to a new study released by University of Portland sociologist Martin Monto. Click for further info on sex, dating and relationships with young adults.
- www.chronicle.com - A first ever enrollment drop results in the layoff of nearly 200 full time professors.
- www.tbteedition.tampabay.com - A new study concludes video games has a significant link to attention and impulse control problems.
- www.sciencedaily.com - Multiple studies have confirmed these similar results. The recommendation is to obtain Omega-3 (lowers risk if heart disease and Alzheimer's) from vegetable sources.
- www.nbcnews.com - Under-investment in education by adolescent boys and young men stems from, in part, out of date masculine stereotypes.
- www.dallasnews.com - Just in time for Fathers's day! This study shows that a Fathers hormones change based upon degree of involvement with their children.
- www.nbcnews.com - Excellent site for all types of mental health and addictions information. The mood tracker here is one of the best if you want to document and view your mood over time. It is especially helpful when starting or changing medication.
- www.healthyplace.com - |
February 2025