- www.psychologytoday.com -
Here are some tips to help you follow through with the resolution you made to improve your physical or mental health.
- www.psychologytoday.com - Interesting information on this years trends with adolescents in both behavior and attitudes towards substance abuse.
- www.drugabuse.org - More good news for Florida parents: new legislation against synthetic drugs popular with young people.
- www.tampabay.com - Differences in general values between generations effects needs and attitudes in the workplace. This article can also help parents understand the goals and values of their young adults.
- www.tampabay.com - It is a widely held belief that family systems and the parent-child relationship plays an important role in the development of substance abuse in adolescents. This study provides important data to support that belief. Adolescents that report a "high quality" relationship (high quality defined as one where teenagers felt they could discuss their problems with their parents and that their parents respected their feelings) with their parent(s) were significantly less likely to develop substance abuse problems which later leads to addiction.
- www.sciencedaily.com - |
February 2025