2 - Lying/Secretive behavior: "If, on a regular basis, your partner refuses to discuss other aspects of their day, keeping details of his or her whereabouts or activities from you, this could be indicative of a greater problem". Pay attention to cell phone and email activity. Don't be afraid to ask to see.
3 - Changes in Mood/Behavior: "Shifts in mood can mean many things, but they’re undoubtedly a red flag for a bigger problem." If you see changes, address it right away and head on. Ask pointed questions as to the source. Vague or avoidant answers means trouble.
4 - Possessive/Controlling behavior: Overly inquisitive questions as to your whereabouts likely indicates control. "If your partner’s interest in your day-to-day activities seems a little much, it may be cause for concern." Excessive texts and calls, checking up on you and not being supportive of your relationships with friends and family are dangerous signs.
5 - Not apologizing: Healthy partners have the ability to admit wrong doing and apologize. "If your partner refuses to apologize when he or she has done something wrong, this is a red flag for a perception of inequality in the relationship." Apologies aren't always an admission of guilt and wrongdoing. Knowing how to apologize for hurting the others feelings or having a misunderstanding is a vital relationship skill. Someone who does not possess this skill is likely not relationship material.
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